What a day it has been! Being the perky A.M person that I am (not), getting a call at 7:15 asking me to be at the high school to sub by 7:45. This meant I would have to move from my typical slow gear to turbo-speed! My morning routine in the past has begun with several cups of coffee, this morning it was a travel mug to go as I ran out the door. God is teaching me that I can be flexible. I am realizing I may have to return to the days of having an outfit picked out and ready the night before. All that hurry, and my students would not be arriving for another 30 minutes. So thankful I would have some time to pray and finish that coffee!
Continuing in top speed, I arrived home this afternoon and began preparing a meal for our neighbors before heading out to church.
I have also concluded that God is also teaching me a few things about control . I am a planner. I like to have things planned out ahead of time. As my husband and most of my family would kindly put it , I am a Control-Freak! I am progressing in making some changes but God has shown me , I am certainly not there yet. I like being in control. That being said, this is my heart I would like to share with you.
So much is out there lately reminding me that not many things are certain, and so many are out of my control. Our economy, political stability, health and many other things we will face on a daily basis. I have even been surprised at all of the comments about this among us bloggers. Today I would like to offer you this encouragement. GOD is in Control! Nothing, not even our economy catches Him by surprise. Being a child of God we can know He alone is bigger than any crisis we will face. He has called us to be salt and light to a world that does not understand this. We can offer hope to those around us that God gives a peace that passes all understanding to face any uncertainty surrounding us. How are you sharing that peace with those around you?
P.S. I promise I will lighten up a little tomorrow, and hopefully finish fine-tuning for fall. And by the way it really was a great day! Busy, but great. God is good.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?" Psalm 27:1
I am finding that getting back to daily devotions is really helping me a lot. It is helping to ground me and remind me who is in control as you were saying. It has been over a week since I started that and I am really glad I am. I find it easy to get up, go to the bathroom and then read my devotions before I do anything else. But then I don't get those early morning calls either to throw me off guard. Hope the rest of the week goes smoother for you.
I couldn't agree more with this post. God is the reason I am still standing and breathing today. : ) I love knowing that He always sees the bigger picture and that we can have total trust in that. My brother once shared this quote with me, "In the end everything will be fine. If it's not fine.... it's not the end yet." Always puts a smile my face.
Thanks for that post! You inspired me on an idea for a post I was working on...stay tuned...hopefully I'll get it out tomorrow!~Sherri
So true! It's good for all of us to be reminded of this fact daily!
PS: love the pumpkins! I'm so behind on my fall decorating! :-)
May the Lord bless you today...
This is a wonderful post. The lesson on control is clearly something that I'm slow in learning. God continually is working on my with this one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your heart.
And absolutely share something fall if you're not a halloween person. I actually meant to say that in my post and I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.
What a great post!! God is the one always in control sometimes we just need to be reminded of it!
I hear ya sista!!! hang in there~
trust me...after getting married...i really had to try to turn down my control side a little bit! i am a huge planner and i like to know what is going on at all times...where as my husband is very "go with the flow" and does not like to make plans! it's a hard adjustment but it's great to learn how to change yourself in that way!
I loved this post. I am SO glad God is in control and that my trust is in Him and not in the economy, our political leaders (though I am very thankful for them) etc...
I think we all get a little scared with everything that is going on. As mothers we tend to want to fix everything that we can but in this situation all we can do is pray and hope for the best.
Your post today was very timely and helped me to remember that I don't have to figure it out or be in charge, afterall, I can leave it all in HIS hands, resting in the certain knowledge all will be as it's to be. Thanks for the great post!
Good luck with the subbing...I have low energy levels at times myself..have thyroid issues that I battle with so I know the feeling. Those pumpkins are gorgeous..and you said some beautiful things that have helped me remember who is in control..cherry
We do have to remember God is always in control even if we feel like things are crazy. We feel helpless, but we can always talk to Him!
On the picture frames...I just ripped off the back, pulled off the staples, taped all the paper together and put it back in the frame. VERY simple!! Have fun!
Beautiful post Jackie. So true,and everyone needs to hear this on a daily basis. Thanks for posting it.
I am a complete control freak too! My family has been harping on my controlling nature since I was three I bet! Hahaha! I totally relate though because God has been teaching me lately that my lists and plans mean nothing compared to his!
I loved reading your blog! It was wonderful! Keep sharing!
There is comfort in remembering that we don't have to worry about things that are not in our control. We just need to turn our worries over to our Father in Heaven who loves us.
You are so right, God is in control!! We have to trust in that.
Hey, Jackie! What a great post! Love the choice of scripture at the end--one that we all need to hide in hearts during this time.
i need reminding of that, thanks
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