I am still getting used to the schedule(non-schedule) of a substitute teacher. Monday's plans were to get all my little household chores done, in addition to helping get my husband prepared for an extended out of town stay. At 9:30 there was a change of plans...I would be headed to the school to sub for the afternoon. Tuesday was spent running errands mostly. Wednesday I finally got to the cleaning, laundry, etc with the exception of ironing. I got a call Wednesday afternoon to sub all day at the High School, then my plans were that I could spend Friday catching up on some little craft projects. Change of plans ....I will be subbing at the High School again. As I said in an earlier post, God is definitely teaching me about flexibility. I am so grateful for this opportunity. It allows us to have some additional income, yet flexibility at the same time. For someone who likes to plan at least a week in advance this has been a big step! Enough said.
We did go to some yard sales Saturday and found a few things. I will leave you with that...

2 Vera Bradley purses, gently used...FREE!

12 Cream dinner plates...8.00.
This lady was selling items from her mothers catering business
and told me she had at least 150
if I would like more. I have noticed a few small chips, so I may go back for some more.
This unique little trivet...1.00
Would you paint this and what would you do with it?
Let me hear your suggestions.
This little lady had a hard time deciding what her prices were. She would say one thing then it was at least double when you picked it up. Needless to say, we moved on. I may check a few out this weekend, I will have to see. Typically October is a good month for some great yard sales here, but they have been less than the best this year.
Right now I am reading this. It is the last book in Karen Kingsbury's latest series. I had ISS at school today, so that gave me plenty of reading time. Hope to be finished soon. I hope to be on to some fun projects this weekend.

Finally last but not least,
Sandy is having her 100th post giveaway of her favorite things for today only. So hurry over to leave a comment and enter.
You did great yard saleing. I love that trivet. So unique but I have no suggestions. I can't wait to see what you do with it though.
I'm glad you are enjoying substituting.
Ohhhhh, I LOVE those plates. I would be tempted to buy 1/4 of her collection. Great find!
Thanks...what a fun blog! I love those plates!!!
-Sandy Toes
You got some great yard sale goodies! I have those same white plates. My friend and neighbor had a yard sale about 7-8 years ago and I bought them from her. I think I picked up about 20. I can't tell you how many times we've used them over the years. I paid $1.00 each and it was the best 20 bucks I've ever spent.
When I took the Myers-briggs test,one of the traits I found out I was high on was flexibility. And it was that trait that helped me to earn Employee of the Month last year. I love the trivet exactly as it is. I don't think I would paint it. In my house I would probably hang it on the wall along with my other interesting kitchen type stuff.
What a unique trivet! I'd hang it in my kitchen just as it is, although if I were to paint it, it'd be black.
I finished reading "Sunset" last week; I felt sad that the series is done, but happy with where the author left the characters.
I am a former teacher and have done lots of subbing. God bless you because it is not easy! You found some great stuff for cheap! I would leave that trivet as is and display it on a easel or plate holder. It is so pretty! I also love Karen Kingsbury books.
You found some nice things at the garage sales you visited.
I could not agree with you more regarding the need for prayer during this election year.
Wow, you have been a busy lady. I love the Vera Bradley purses! I would leave the trivet as it is, it's really neat. I hope you have a good day tomorrow and a restful weekend, you deserve it.
Those bags are so pricey in boutiques. That is a great find. The plates are pretty! The trivet is so unique. I say leave it as is.
You know, as quick as I am to fire up the spray paint... I might not paint that. I really like the patina on it. But, on the other hand, it would look great in white. Just make sure it's paint that will withstand heat, if you're going to use it that way.
I love that trivet...don't paint it...that would take away so much of the charm!
Great finds!!!
I love your yard sale finds and I would just use the trivet as is. That is so cute! If you paint it, you would probably have to get a kind that can take heat. But I like it silver.
I just finished Sunset and it was so good!
Those plates (and more if you go back to get them) would so come in handy for something. That's the kind of find you tuck away in the garage or attic, and then an event comes up, and bam, you've got instant china charm.
Free Vera Bradley??? What the heck?
What awesome bargains you got! I love every one of them! Congratulations on great finds. Hope you have a great and flexible week. :-)
Make wind chimes from silverware from the trivet. Very nice.
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