I finally decided that it was time to post once again. I have not quit blogging, not to say I didn't think about it. I am not sure there is anyone out there still reading. I guess there hasn't been anything to read, now has there?
Remember this?
Well now we have this!
I wish I could report to you that all is finished, and all is well, but alas, it is not. The counter top has been wrong twice, and just when I thought we were past counter top issues, there is a spot on one side where the laminate is separating. It has been a slow process, especially when I have done most of the painting on the existing cabinets
Here's where pitfalls of perfectionism come in.
My eye seems to be drawn to every imperfection, and I have had to decide what I can let go of, and what has to be fixed.
There were some paint issues on the doors. Corrections made. They are not perfect, but I still love the way it looks.
When you are paying someone, I guess my standard may be too high?
The bead board is great, however the installation...not exactly what I was hoping for. But it is getting there. A little more caulking, and touch up. It is looking like a totally different kitchen.
Beginning a major project during the holidays is difficult, however, this was the best time for us.
I even celebrated the big 50 while I was away!
My husband brought me my favorite cake, and we celebrated quietly, just the way I like it.
Other things that have been going on:
I helped give a couples shower/dinner for a friend that got married last weekend.
Last weekend spent helping prepare for the wedding reception. I was the coordinator, of the food that is.
My son is home until his next move to Seminary in the fall, at least that is the plan. It has been a joy to be able to spend more time with him.
I am reading through the Bible with our church. It has been a blessing. I have never read through the complete Bible. I am learning a lot, mostly God is speaking to me about many things.
I am learning to crochet. That has been fun!
My cute grandson (and his Mama) have been to visit several times during all the mess.
My parents are coming Friday, so I am trying to do some intensive cleaning!
I warned you that this would be random. On another note, I am wanting to change things up a bit here. Not sure yet, exactly what that means, but I know I do want my writing to be meaningful and encouraging to others.
For now I will close, and promise not to be so long in posting again.
Blessings to you all.