Today was another day of subbing. I am enjoying it so much! I've had 8
th graders today, and I think they may be my favorites. They ask a lot of personal questions, like who I am voting for and hopefully my honesty will speak to them in some way. Today I made it clear that the color of your skin should have nothing to do with the way you vote. "For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7b
It has truly been a blessing for me to have the opportunity to do this.
On another note, when I arrived home today my Thanksgiving Swap Package was waiting at the door. What a fun surprise for the day. Some very sweet and thoughtful items.

Everything will be added to my collection of favorite Fall decor. A cute little crate of pumpkins and
pine cones, stalks of wheat, my favorite chocolates...
Lindt Lindor Truffles, which needless to say will not be around long. I am not a real chocolate lover, but these are truly a favorite treat of mine. Another favorite item is the journal you see, custom made by my swap partner.

It came with this little tag on the inside with a note from my swap partner that she had received one years ago from her mother, and that every night before she goes to bed she writes down what she is thankful for. Anything as simple as a warm bed to sleep in to a thoughtful thing that someone did that day. She said looking back makes her really appreciate how much God has given us, and that when our day seems bad there really is something to be thankful for. I will start using it tonight.
Isn't this little felt pillow wonderful! My photography is lacking a little, but I love it!
Thanks so much Amy!
Have a blessed evening! Jackie
What a great gift package. I LOVE the gratitude journal. Enjoy!!!
Awesome swap package! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying subbing.
Hi Jackie,
Sure looks like you hit the jackpot! What great stuff...ENJOY!!
What a nice gift package, I know you'll enjoy it!
What a fun package!
-sandy toes
Bet you were happy to get that!! How fun.
It is neat to hear of you talk about subbing. I have worked the entire week so far (except today) and on for tomorrow. I love having personal conversations with the kids.
Have a great day.
You got some good stuff! It is all so cute.
What a fun package to receive. I linked to you today on my post about the tile coasters. Come and see!
PS Yes, I have curtains on my windows in our bedroom. They can be seen in the "before" photo. I just pull them together at night.
I found the stamps at a local stamp/paper store.
Wowsers! You got some great fall stuff in your swap! I love the little felt pouch/pillow thingy, sweet!
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