
Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall Fluffing

A nice big pumpkin for the table.
Picked up a little pumpkin at HL the other day.

Remember these?

Now I have this!

I pulled these pint jars out of the attic and some of them  had these cute little flowers instead of the standard canning jar stamp. There were a couple of different ones, and I thought they had some character and wanted to show you.

Headed out to Florida once again, so gotta run. Hopefully I will be back a little later on in the week. For more DIY head over to ASPTL for DIY Day.Have a blessed and wonderful week!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

You Know It's Fall when........ get all of this out, and start making,

I made about 30 pear tarts to put in the freezer with some pears that were given to me. If you like apple tarts these are just as good, and most of the time I can find someone that will give the pears away. I had not been able to find any this year, and rode by the school secretary's house. She had a tree that still had some on it. What does it hurt to ask, so I did. and she said to take them all! Now I have a few tarts in the freezer for a quick dessert .
 Now check these out.

Just a drop in the bucket compared to what is left on the vines.
A very good year!

Looks like jelly to me.
     Do any of you have a good recipe for grape jelly? Actually Scuppernong  to be exact. I would love to hear your suggestions. Now I am off to clean up the flour explosion in the kitchen, see if I can find a good smelling fall candle to burn, and do a little Fall sprucing up around here. By the way I am joining the party here at Songbirdtiff and Kimba's DIY Day. Have a great evening.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Been 30 Years!

     Last week my husband and I celebrated our 30th anniversary. He would be the good looking guy on the left.  In all honesty they have not been perfect years, but I wouldn't trade those years for anything! I still miss him when he is away, and AMAZINGLY-- he misses me! Sometimes it is hard for me to imagine that, but it's a great feeling to know that I am loved by him.
     I have learned so much over the years, and believe me, this CONTROL FREAK had a lot to learn, and still does! I am just so blessed that God brought the two of us together, and I am looking forward to many more years.
     Susan has a great post here on praying for your husband. Some great ideas to show him how much you care and honor him in your prayers. I will share one very  important lesson that I have learned over the years, and this is it, I am not his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does His job much better than me. Pray and ask God to show him areas of concern to you, and you just might find out as I have many times, I am the problem. Ask God to be the center of your marriage. Seek His guidance in all that you do and He will honor that.
    Maybe my wonderful husband will stop by and read this while he is away, so....
Have a great week.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Watch This!!

This is the new fall Bible study that I will be participating in for the next seven weeks. I hope you will take a minute to listen to this small excerpt from our Bible study series. We will have the opportunity to hear from these three wonderful women of God, in the coming weeks. Have a blessed week. Jackie

Time For a Clean Sweep!

It's time to pull these out of the closet and go to work!

There is too much accumulation going on at this house, and the rationalization goes something like this:
I might need that someday.
That is too good to get rid of.
If you had to by it new, it would cost a lot more!
As soon as I get rid of it, I will wish I had it.
Just think of all of those things you got rid of and wish you hadn't.

The problem with all of this rationale is that sometimes you just can't find the stuff you are looking for when you need it! Like right now, I can't find my Fall stuff!

My sister is coming the first weekend in October and we are having one big yard sale. I may invite other friends too. This is the biggest yard sale weekend around here. Her husband says she will bring a U-Haul if necessary to clean out all of her stuff,
and that could be a lot of stuff! I think you might want to come check it out. I have a feeling there will be lots of stuff !
How about you, what do you do to keep from accumulating so much stuff ?
My husband says that our new motto will be

"Everything has to have a home."

Hopefully there will be a lot of progress this week. I am telling you so you all can hold me accountable for getting rid of some of the great stuff I have accumulated.
I would love to hear some of your helpful hints. Have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blah Bogger

These days I am feeling a little like a Blah Blogger! Not much creativity going on around here, lots of cleaning, and more than just the surface that needs to be done. It doesn't feel like fall quite yet, but even so, summer is over, school has started back, which means subbing has started back for me.

I need to get out some fall decor, throw away some of my summer plants since they are looking pretty pitiful! We have these lovely worms that build nests in our trees, and they seem to be eating up everything!

Sometimes we all need a little inspiration to get us going. Fall is my favorite time of the year!!!!!! I am sure I have told you that at least a dozen times or more. What are you planning to do, to change things up for the Fall season? Let me hear from you. Inspire all of us with some of your fall decor or just great ideas! Have a wonderful weekend. Hope to be back with lots of inspiration next week.


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"
Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Yes, I have been away for a while, but for a good reason. Family Time! I headed to Florida last Wednesday, and took my Girl to the Dr. The remicade treatments are no longer working. She will begin participating in a clinical trial starting sometime in October. Until then she was supposed to be back on steroids to bring her flare-up under control, but they called and want to hold off on that unless she get very sick. I would appreciate if you would pray for the following: Strength, for her physically, and that the steroids are not needed at all , and that her body would respond positively once beginning the new medication. See with a trial there is a chance that you do not receive any medications at all to begin with. We serve a God that is able to heal without these medications, and she has seen some improvement, so my prayer is that He will begin the healing process even now. The good news is that the Dr. still does not believe that she is at the point of needing surgery. She has dealt with this for the past 10 years, and keeps on regardless of how she feels. Most people don't even know she is sick. She often handles it much better than I do. God has a plan and I know it is all for her good. I know she would appreciate your prayers.
After returning home, we spent the weekend with my son and celebrated his 22nd birthday. I know I have said it before, but they grow up too Fast!

I had fun making this GIANT cupcake Birthday Cake for him.

He also helped me set up my new sewing machine, which is Great!

Then I made him this apron to use in the art studio.

We even figured out how to put his name on it.

I am convinced if he were here for a while I would know how to better use my camera which would result in better pictures for you to see, and he would have my sewing machine all figured out. He encourages me to be a little more adventurous and just jump in and try new things, which goes against my over cautious, over analyzing nature.

Next I have another apron to work on for a gift. I have a lot that I want to try, so hopefully I will be sharing a few more sewing projects soon.

Hope you have a blessed week. I am ready to prepare for Fall!

Have a wonderful week!
