
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Garage Sale Update

I promised an update on Rachel's House Garage Sale and here it is. It was definitely a success!

At this point we were winding down. If you look at the pics from my previous post you can see just how much is gone.

One of my favorite purchases!

This clock was a steal @ 2.00!

and I could hardly resist this for Judah.

At the initial count we raised  $5,500 for Rachel's House. It was a lot of hard work but fun to be a part of this, and I can't think of any better reason to have a Garage Sale, to save a life.  

Friday, August 5, 2011

Garage Sale Preview




I am exhausted and 5:00 AM will be here early.
Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One GREAT Garage Sale!!!!

I know I must stop taking such long breaks in between blogging. It has been a pretty busy summer, and it will be time for school to begin again. Here's one of the fun things that I have been up to. Our crisis pregnancy center is having it's annual Garage Sale fund raiser. I have been co-ordinating set-up in the children's area at our church. We were busy today, pricing, organizing, sorting and getting everything ready for the BIG sale on Saturday morning! Believe me, there is a TON of GOOD stuff here. Most in excellent condition!

Just a tiny bit of the home decor section. I should have remembered to take pictures at the end of the day. All of those tables are now filled, with no room left, and we brought in more tables at the end of the day. This was taken early this morning. 

This gives you an idea of the number of tables that we originally set up.
Now these tables are pretty close to completely full. You are not able to see all of the hanging racks or furniture in the entry way. What is unbelievable is that we have another full day of accepting donations before the sale on Saturday.

Not only does this benefit a great cause, but it has been a lot of fun working with the wonderful men and women who are giving their time to support Rachel's House.  If I remember, I will take more photos tomorrow prior to the sale. Off to get some rest.