
Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Some of you were asking about hanging a collection of white or cream plates so today I am showing a couple of collections. Please forgive the quality of the photos. A new camera is moving up on the list .

Below are the plates in what we call "The Room". It used to be our garage. Please overlook the lack of window treatments. In this room we have our TV, our computer, a table where most sewing projects take place. More room to spread out. When our little company (aka Chloe )leaves I will try to show a little more.
This is just a collection of creamers hanging on a shelf in my dining room. As you can see I like the white and cream china. Oops that one on the bottom shelf is a little out of place.

Again the quality of this picture does not do it justice, but this is an iris that my son did when he was taking art classes in high school that hangs over a bench in my living room. One of these days I will get everything fluffed for a full house tour.

Have a blessed day!



Shannon said...

Ohhh I love your collections! THe white plates look so great on that green wall! Love it!

Liz Harrell said...

I always SO admire cream and white plate collections on walls... so soothing and classy. I love the green wall color as well! And your son is a great artist!

Sarah said...

I love the little creamers, they are so sweet. Have fun with your little guest!

Darlene said...

Love your collections!! I am making sure I do collections for more impact, not just one thing. By the way I had found Laughter at Lakeside (about the mantle) before I saw your funny....that is EXACTLY what I would like to do with mine. Now if I can get hubby to cooperate!!!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

Love your collection, especially the plates! I am working on trying to get a "plate collection"'s not going well! hehe

Joy said...

I always love a good collection of white dishes. They always look so crisp and classy, just like yours do.
And your sons art work looks great too.

Anonymous said...

I love your plates hanging on the green wall. Beautiful!

Kim Hancock said...

Hey Jackie! Check out "Great ending to a great day" on my blog.

cherry said...

LOVE the white ironstone collection. I love white plates as well...white china. love to find the old hotel pieces. The iris is gorgeous as well...your son is talented. cherry

Anonymous said...

Your white collections are terrific! They look so crisp and clean on that green paint.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed your comment about the corn. It will be such a great memory for me and my family--just as you have found memories of it as well.

I love your puppy dogs! Such little cuties! And the plate collection is great. I love crisp, white plates on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Great collection... adorable fur babies! Susie h~

Mary said...

I love the white plates on the green wall. Lovely.