
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What have I been up to? Prayer Request and UPDATE

Here's a little of what I have been up to the past few days.

A little bit of sewing for my son.

Window valance in progress.

Couple of completed panels for the living room and bedroom.
Finished valance.
Yes, all of these are very basic. Actually made up by me. I wish I could say these were whipped up in a few hours, but I am not quite as fast as many of the other ladies out there. I am also not a no sew girl. It's just not in me, especially when my husband bought me a nice machine.  It is looking like a great summer to be inside sewing. The temperatures here have been  close to the 100's with heat indexes of around 105. So glad we took vacation a few weeks ago!
My girl is on her way to the Dr. She's not felt the baby move in a couple of days. We know that God is in control and always knows best. Please pray for her as she travels. She has a wonderful Mother-In-Law who is with her, only wish I were closer. I will keep you posted. Please pray for a peace and comfort for her regardless of the outcome.

Mom and baby are fine! Strong heartbeat and  lots of movement when they did the ultra-sound.


mary beth said...

Can't wait to see the finished projects! It's hard to be far away from them when they need their mama, but I'm glad she has MIL with her...prayers her way!

Amanda Jo said...

Gracious!!! I will certainy be praying for your daughter and the little one!!!!

Melinda said...

Your projects look great.
I wish all the best for your daughter. Prayers being sent your way.


Beckypdj said...

Praying :)

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh Jackie~
I'm praying for your daughter..the baby..and your entire family.

Remember...nothing catches God by surprise...nor is he sitting in heaven..wondering..'what on earth is going on?" But rather, everything passes through his hands...and he ALWAYS works all things..for his good.

Praying that God's peace, wraps each of a warm blanket..knowing that he is STILL in control.

Gripping the hem of his garment..on your behalf.


Runner Mom said...

Jackie, just hopped over and saw the prayer request. And the update! Praise the Lord! I will continue to keep A. and the baby in my prayers--and all of you!!

Stay cool!!! Love your sewing, your talented girl!!

Linda said...

So glad for the great news about your glad!

You did a beautiful job on the valances. Don't forget to take a picture when you hang them up for him. They'll look so nice!

p.s.phyllis sews said...

What a blessing to have the technology to have assurance like that for your daughter!

The projects can be a great distraction and way to pray, too. Best wishes for their successful completion.

Hot where I am, too, and sewing IS wonderful!

BECKY said...

That valance looks great! You have to be better than you think to come up with your own designs!!

So glad Mommy and baby are fine. That had to be unnerving.

Have a joyful weekend!

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Jackie, haven't visited in a while, was about to tell you to count me in on "Praying", but the up-date sounded like God had already moved!! Thank you Jesus! That Baby is fearfully and wonderfully made, and is going to be fine! In Jesus name! Sewing looks great! Very pretty. Have a great wk-end!*Blessings:)

Kim Hancock said...

Praise God... so thankful all was well!

Unknown said...

Thank you Heavenly Father! What great news.

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful update!!!

Christina said...

Oh Jackie, I'm so thrilled with your update. I haven't been around much for a week or two and I was so glad to see that all is well.

We have been having tremendous heat also. Good for staying inside in the air conditioning. Way to go on the sewing. Looks great.