I unplugged what about you. What were you doing? I was at the
Shands Endoscopy Center with my daughter for her
colonoscopy. What a day! I was hoping for good news, and it was not that great. Her colon looks as bad as it has previously and the Dr. says something better must be done. She will have some tough decisions. The preferred treatment is either
Humira or
Remicade and this could cause other problems but is the best alternative at this point. She has also been offered the opportunity to participate in some drug trials that are going on. If her insurance will not cover the other treatments this will most likely be the treatment preference. See she does for sure have
Ulcerative Colitis and many drugs that treat
Crohns even though similar to
UC are not approved for
UC. The effects of both diseases are almost identical so who can figure why it is approved for one and not the other.
Being totally honest it has been difficult to plug back in. If I had not just completed the Esther Bible study reminding me that God has a perfect plan in all of this, I would be in despair. I continue to tell myself that
ALL THINGS work together for
GOOD for those who love the Lord, and that does mean all things! I will keep looking to Him, the only one who holds all the answers. I may be a little slow getting there, but I will plug back in. I subbed again today and tomorrow and have a busy week ahead. I just wanted to update all of you wonderful ladies who have been praying. Thank you so much. I couldn't do it without the prayers of all of you and so many others that are praying. Have a blessed week, and hope to be back with some fun stuff soon!
Isn't is great that God knew ahead of time that the Bible Study that you just finished was just what you needed for this time.
I'm sorry your daughter has to make these tough decisions. I'm sure you are so helpful to her during all of this.
Hope you have a wonderful week. You will be in my prayers.
The study of Esther was just what you needed. That was a wonderful study.
I will surely continue to pray for you and your daughter. You keep trusting and believing for her healing! God is good...all the time.
Jackie, how about instead of unplugging you let us cheer your family on. We may never meet in person but we do care.
I'm still praying for your daughter and wisdom for her doctors.
Hey, Jackie! Thanks so much for the update on your daughter! WIll continue to keep her in my prayers!! Glad that you are subbing. I worked 2 last week--and I was unplugged! I may go unplugged during Easter Break as well!
Wanted to be sure you knew - God brought both of you to mind today and I was praying for you. Praying He brings you peace this week!
Hi Jackie~
I just left a comment for Jennifer and I read the comment you'd left for her. I wanted to pop over and say that I'm still praying for your daughter. My nephew had a bad case of ulcerative colitis and ended up getting something called a J-Pouch. Have you ever heard of it? He's been doing very well since his operation. I was wondering if that might be an option for your daughter. I'm sorry to hear about her Pap test. I've had an abnormal one, too, and all is well. Often times, they don't amount to anything. Praying for you both!
I will for sure be praying.
Keep the faith...we'll all keep praying. I am inspired by your "unplugging"! Good for you!
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