.....when the tree needs to be put up, the mantel needs to be decorated, the house needs to be cleaned, the Christmas cards need to be sent, and everything seems to be piling up around you?
Why you defrost and organize the freezer!
Of course you also see if you can get the water dispenser to start working again,
and I did!
and you make a pot of soup from the ham bone and tomatoes you found in the freezer, that you feel need to be used before they get any older!
Do any of you have any moments of what seems like total insanity? Now you know I have these moments, thankfully not too terribly often. Something about the new dryer(that is not the same color of any of the other appliances in my laundry room) just seemed to do it to me today. This is definitely keeping it real. Jackie
I think many of us are feeling this way this week! I just can't seem to stay focused on one thing...I should be decorating for Christmas but instead I am organizing and cleaning out closets!
Yes, I'm totally feeling insane and undone right now. I'm not using my time well.
I do this all the time! When things are hectic I can always think of other projects to start at the same time. :)
Good for you, I like to call that "Goose Chase Cleaning"... What an accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself!
In our extended family we call that "moving the woodpile." The reason for this is that when we were all at home it never failed when something big was coming up that needed to be done, my dad would decide to move the woodpile. Yes this happened more than once. Going on vacation tomorrow---lets move the woodpile. Guest coming for a party---lets move the woodpile. : ) It makes for a great memory. I don't have a woodpile, but there is always something I get busy doing when I need to be doing other things--just like my dad!
: )
I do the same things. My husband keeps suggeting I only start one project at a time. Sure, right. I only work in multiples. My list is so long and I'm not even working.
I have some of those same things to do to get ready for Christmas, so my husband and I set up some new shelves in the garage, cleaned the floor, rearranged the gardening tools and snow shovels, and I cleared everything off the old shelves and rearranged them! Must be something in the air . . .
I can so relate! I'm bad about starting 10 things and taking forever to finish them! I am trying to tell myself that everything does not have to be perfect.
For some reason a lot of my days seem like insanity. I wouldn't have it any other way!!! LOL
I feel the same way, it all seems to be getting the best of me, my mind is totally on override.
I felt just that way earlier this week, right after Thanksgiving and ignoring all the things I needed to do, I sat at my computor and played around making a video with Windows Movie Maker of our family picking and decorating our Christmas tree--it was very theraputic!
What a great post! It's so the truth, isn't it? Thank goodness sometimes we actually stay focused.:)
I'm cracking up. When I'm overwhelmed I always dig into an organization project. Something about being able to bring order to one thing that I can control makes me forget about all the craziness. It drives my hubby nuts!
p.s. I pray your furry baby gets well soon.
I do this, too - when I have a zillion other things that need doing, I'll head to something else! I think maybe it's because the things I choose are tasks that I know I can complete - or maybe it 's just a stalling tactic for me! lol I hope your dog is feeling better~ :)
I think we have all been in "overdrive" lately. Since I work full-time, it's been extra hard to even get on the computer. I am now finally doing all my bloggy catch-up! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one behind!
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