This is how I have felt for a large part of December! Please don't misunderstand, I love the REASON that we celebrate, but expectations of myself and others tend to overwhelm me. I miss the traditions that were in place when I was younger, because those I love are no longer here. Definitely a much simpler time, but they are experiencing a continual celebration. I have learned over this past year.... I have not learned to do the Empty Nest thing very well at all, and that has to change. God has been showing me this very clearly, so I will be listening to HIM more carefully than I have in the past month. It is definitely not about me but about HIM.

The tree is finally up, but I will not reveal the actual date this finally happened. Let's just say my wonderful son, the artist helped me. After several set backs while stringing lights we finally have a Christmas tree, with some presents!

One of my favorite ornaments. A little blurry, but it depicts the
wise men. My sister gave me this several years back.

Another favorite.

This is what my sewing machine looks like right now, so I had better run! Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas week. I will be back next week to hear about all of the wonderful ways you celebrated the birth of our Lord and Saviour. Blessings to you all and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you!
LOVE that acorn... Don't worry about the tags... I wasn't very clear... Sorry
I'm not going to be a very good empty nester either, Im afraid. Everything looks great. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy your special time with your kiddos.
Jackie, I've had a little dose of how you feel with my oldest son away at college. I'm looking ahead at the way times are changine. I'm trying to look at new adventures! It's a new year - let's do it!!
Merry Christmas!
Hey Jackie~ Your tree looks beautiful! I'm so glad that you are blogging your journey with being an Empty Nester. I will be praying for you as the Lord brings you to my mind. May you feel His presence keenly this season, and may you be obedient to His leading.
With love,
Hi Jackie,
Bless your heart...transitioning to a new role in life isn't easy!! But I know that God will show you your new direction. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
This is our third Christmas as an empty nester and with both kids living too far away to make it home easily, I have no idea when I will have kids in the house again. The first Christmas was the hardest. No decorations that year, no tree. I could not do it. But slowly we are developing new ways to do things and trying to focus on the two of us more with a secondary focus on our far away kids. But Sunday at church I had a very hard time. The tree was up there, and I just missed having my kids with me so bad. I was in tears the whole service. No one really understood. I hope you know what I mean. And I hope you realize you are not alone trying to get used to the empty nest. It is hard. But like you said, time to listen to what God is saying for this stage in your life. I keep trying to do that and don't have the answers yet. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Keep in touch with all of us.
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