We had so many PUMPKIN desserts! Pumpkin bars, pumpkin cheesecake,a pumpkin roll, and a pumpkin caramel pie!

Now on to what I didn't want for Christmas......We returned home with lots of dirty clothes. I immediately started washing. I was checking a load in the dryer, when I detected a slight smell, and then when pushing the button to restart, NOTHING. Time for my handyman husband to step in. He checks everything with his little checking tool and everything is checking out OK. This just can't be! How can a 20 year old dryer be conking out now? We try again and it starts, so I am convinced the praying did the trick, only to open it, and have it happen again. A little further checking has led to the conclusion that the motor is truly dying. He says it will work for now, but I had better start looking. FAST! Not exactly the purchase I would like to be making, but hey it can't run forever. So there you have it.....what I didn't want for Christmas! I am still blessed and thankful! This week I hope to share about some of my Christmas preparations, and what I am checking off my list each day to insure an unstressed and blessed Christmas celebration! Have a blessed week. Jackie
Are you pumpkined out yet?? Sorry about your dryer, that is definitely a bummer. Seems like it's always something. We just finished a Financial Peace class at church with Dave Ramsey and now understand the importance of an "emergency fund".
P.S. Our schnauzer's name is Jackson.
Oh mine could be not so far behind. We bought a front loading washer and dryer about 10 years ago. The set I bought turned out to be a nightmare...the washer is long gone. The dryer has been repaired so many times that I've declared I will not call the repair man again. Ugh!!
You mean they don't make them to last forever? Oh darn. Well, I hope you find something that will last another 20 years or more.
Oh foo-ie...not a broken dryer. Sorry to hear about that. But so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We certainly did too. : )
Stuff like that ALWAYS happens during this time of year! What is it with appliances and cars and roofs? I think they can SENSE the holidays and pick that exact time to die.
Sorry your dryer gave out!! Look at the bright side...you HAVE to get a new one. :) I agree though, not a good time of year.
Hello, I'm Dawn from Wisconsin!
I just recently purchased a new washer and dryer myself and I'll be honest--I was actually excited! I was so glad to be rid of one that I had to turn on 3 times to dry the clothes. Plus the washer--well I finally got a really big one with all kinds of neat options. I love it!
I'm glad your yearly check up went well!
I recently became an empty nester myself and am still learning to find my place in all of this!
I decided to give my son and his roommate an early Christmas gift... clean clothes. Well, several days and loads later I'm still working on it!
Yup, the gift that keeps on giving!
I'm down to (I hope) the last four loads. I think elf's are sneaking in when I'm gone and adding to the pile.
Sweet Wishes,
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