This morning I announced that I would be off on a new adventure today. Well I am back and it went very well. By now I guess you are wondering what this new adventure of mine was. Maybe you won't be too disappointed when you realize it was not the thrifty shopping adventure we all dream of, or an exotic getaway, or many other exciting things that you might think.
Well here it is: Today was my first day as a substitute teacher. Actually, today I was the helper substitute. I have been needing to earn a little extra, I call it gas money, and to have something that would be pretty steady yet flexible. If you remember I went a couple of weeks ago for the teacher training, background check, and yes, remember I had to pass a TEST! That was the scary part for me. I received my first call Friday. It was a great day, the student were great, and no complaints except I realized I am not used to standing on my feet all day. I will be going again on Thursday for a half day, but I will be filling in for the teacher that day. Part of the time will be for a pep rally, and I actually get to wear jeans and a t-shirt that day. I am looking forward to this and the children can be challenging, but entertaining also. My desire is to be a godly example to all those I come in contact with. There are so many needy children out there, and I want to be able to be a blessing where I am.
Now tomorrow I hope I will have some fall stuff to show you. Have a wonderful evening! I am off to my Beth Moore Breaking Free Bible study. Jackie
Substitue fun! I was a speech-language pathologist in public schools for about 4 years...then I had kids. I've been a stay-at-home mom for 16 1/2 years. I keep telling myself that, one day, I'll get back into the schools, but that day has yet to arrive. I do miss it, though, and I sure miss the kids. Hope it will be a very positive experience for you all the way around!
We cut all our pumpkins the same, then whacked off later, according to desired height. On my (1st) post of 'the elegant p. patch, I have a link you can click on for a tutorial. Also, for the bottom, we just sewed straight across the bottom to close, then folded it just like the bottom of a brown paper bag and tacked down the two points. This gave them a stable bottom to sit on. Good luck. : )
Oh, I hope you have a wonderful experience substitute teaching!! Yes, for me it would be hard to stand all day too!! My feet are hurting just thinking about it.
Congratulations on your win...isn't it fun!!?! I can't wait to see what you make!!
Congrats on a great first day teaching and congrats on your winning a giveaway!! :o)
Hey there! Good for you...I have a little job ...I only work 3 hrs. a week..would love a little more but it helps! I did not forget I was tagged..I will be posting it..still thinking of any interesting fact some one would want to know about me...rofl. Ohhh your my far the best rooster makeover I have ever the patina of him. Glad you found some glass pumpkins...Dollar Tree can be hit or miss. cherry Happy Monday!
Girlie, you are on a roll with the giveaways! I think Kate is the bomb. She seems like a tried-and-true friend.
Good for you with the substitute teaching. The older I get, the more I want to make a difference in terms of being a Godly example. It ain't easy, but with faith and determination, each one of us can make a difference with whatever we choose to do.
I did the meme you sent! (I love that one. It challenges me to delve into my innermost random self!)
Good for you... what a great new adventure! Enjoy your bible study. I love Believing God!
I hope you have a wonderful time as a Sub! :)
Sub tip: I like to get there early enough to pray over their desks before they arrive. It is especially powerful for me to be able to pray over the desks of students that have some challenges or provide challenges for me in the classroom. Sometimes I wonder...has anyone ever lifted up this child in prayer before??? It can be a hard job somedays and other days I ask..."seriously? I get paid for this? That was a blast!"
Good for you! I was a teacher for one year in a public school and I always had such a healthy respect for the subs. Way to go!
I used to be an instructional aide for 12 years working in a special education classroom. Hope subsituting is a very good experience for you. Good luck with it all.
Substitute teaching is an adventure! I did it for about a year before I found a teaching job. It's enjoyable though, I hope you'll like it. What ages/grades are you working with? I've got some substitute teaching material like impromptu lesson plans, worksheets, etc. for when teachers are out unexpectedly and you don't have clear lesson plans. If that's something you'd be interested in, email me your mailing address at and I'll send you a copy of all of it.
I taught second grade, so if there's anything I can help you with, let me know.
Congrats on winning the giveaway!That looks like an awesome book. Have fun making all of the neat projects in it!
Good for you Jackie! This is exciting, I know you'll be such a good sub! I did this for a little while after college and loved it.
Congrats on the book win, that's a good one!
Been there and done that... God bless you~
Congrats on your new adventure!! Substitute teaching should prove to be an "adventure" alright :)
Sorry I am commenting so late...I have had a crazy past 2 weeks and am just now getting around to catching up on all my blogs!
I'm glad you got the package! I hope you enjoy the book!!!
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