
Friday, September 19, 2008

New Look

I am actually learning some new things, but still have a long way to go. I would like your input and suggestions about blog backgrounds.

Where do you like to get your blog backgrounds from.......that offer free backgrounds that is. There is no money in the budget right now for a blog makeover. So I will be the do-it-yourselfer on this one too.

It changed many times last night before settling on one, at least for the time being.

Have a blessed day! Jackie


Linda said...

Your new background is adorable! I got mine from the same place you did. They have a great selection don't you think...and it's free!

April said...

I love the new look!! Mine came from TCBOTB, too! Don't change a's great!

Rae said...

Hi Jackie! Here are two other places to try:

I have yet to stick to one template for a long period of time! Good luck!!!

Kim said...

Love this look.... got mine from the same place as yours. I don't know that I want to pay for a professional job bc I like to change it so much! :) One for fall, winter, spring, summer. :) PS ~ you can follow the site you used for your background to make a header.

Trixi said...

Jackie, I love your new look. I am partial to the warm tones. I used Lena at, for my blog redo.

Neabear said...

I like your background. Mine is from the same place. And I am still learning how to do these blog things too. Also our 29th anniversary is Monday. And we are empty nesters as well. What a surprise to come across someone in a similiar postion as us except for location. I'm on the west coast. See my blog for Pink Saturday tomorrow. I have an anniversary post on there. Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

i love your background! it looks great!

Darlene said...

I LOVE your new blog really is adorable!

I just changed mine too and it is so much fun!! I am so thrilled with it...I got mine from the same place as yours and I will be changing it up regularly. Still have to figure out the header though.

Victoria said...


Christina designed our blog so I am not sure where the background came from. She will probably be over later on to tell you where she has gotten our backgrounds from.

By the way, I still have plenty of piles it's just called clever photography. ;) He he.

Liz Harrell said...

I like this! I just keep my plain jane background b/c I'm lazy. :)

TupeloLove said...

I love it and I've been looking for where I can have one made on the cheap as well. Love your blog!

Heather Anne said...

I like your new look very very much! I am not one to change it up very often, but I like it when others do! The only caution is to be sure to read through old posts and edit font colors of they no longer are contrasted enough to read! I had linked to one blogger that typed red early in her blogging and she then later changed her background to red and her blog looked blank!

Christina said...

Hi! I am Victoria's sister and the other half of our blog. : )

You asked what kind of camera I use. Right now I use a Nikon D50 or D40. Whichever one is closest.

Will you e-mail us and I will gladly send you a link to some info about blog design that I have used.

Your blog background looks great. I am constantly changing ours and having fun. I am trying to work on a banner-but time is always an issue w/me. Thanks for stopping by.

Angie said...

Gorgeous!!! I love the red and tan!

southerninspiration said...

I want to get a blog updated design, too....I just have to figure out how to do it and then choose one! There are some really cute ones from the place you got yours. I like to change mine around, too, so I am hesitant to pay for one, also. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog, too!

Anonymous said...

Like the colors.

Arlene said...

I like your new background - especially for this time of year. I've been thinking about doing Holiday backgrounds on my family blog, but can't decide if it would be worth the effort. Congrats on your anniversary! What a milestone :)

Pecos Blue said...

This is nice. I have been looking into the same thing. You have some great suggestions that I will check out.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Jackie, I like your new background! Really pretty! And I love your rooster transformation! He is super cute, now!

Happy Belated Anniversary to you and your husband! ~Rhonda :)