
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fluffing the Nest and a Conclusion

I have been working on adding touches of fall all around the house. This post would have been up earlier today, had my batteries in my camera not died, again! Did I happen to mention that I have a camera that drains a battery in a heart beat!!!! Very frustrating, any more camera advice would be helpful, cause I've got to get a new one soon!

Another conclusion that I have come to, is that every time I see my decorating pictures, I realize more and more of what a Plain Jane decorator I am. I believe that I could probably benefit greatly from some advice, from all of you marvelous ladies out there, that may happen to visit my place from time to time. So here goes.........

This is the top of the pie safe in my kitchen, and I promise my kitchen walls are not hot pink! It's this wonderful camera that I have.

A little more of everything that is on top.

What might you change?

Bowl of pumpkins, some candy corn of course and......

...........this little gadget is an old nut grinder that I got at a yard sale this weekend. I am a nostalgic kind of girl, and this reminded me of something my Grandma had. The cute little design

was sort of black and orange which reminded me of fall colors.

Some thrifty little acorns in a glass decanter that I also picked up at a yard sale.
I have been walking around the yard collecting these.

Jen over at Lipstick and Laundry loves acorns, so these acorns are for Jen.

Now it's your turn give any suggestions that you like for my fall decorating, and I promise I will not be offended. You all have such wonderful ideas and are so creative, that is why I ask.

Thanks, Jackie


Anonymous said...

I tend to need the same kind of decorating help! Maybe you can help me too! I either tend to be a little plain or I clutter things up too much!

Marie said...

I have the same problem! I can't figure out how to effectively group things. It either looks like way too much or very sparse. lol I wish I had advice... I beg for it myself! :o) If it makes you feel any better, I like what everything looks like already!

Anonymous said...

what fun fall decor! i love the pumpkins and acorns!

Sarah Mae said...

I love the acorns! I think you did a really good job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Your fall decorations look amazing! Isn't this time of year so fun?!?!

CMB said...

I think what you have done looks great! I find that I just have to try things out...I might move something 3 times in one day and then a few days later a brilliant idea will hit me and I will change it all around again!

Shannon said...

I honestly would not change a thing! I think it all looks great! I need a new camera too!

Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

Thanks for stopping by! I love new guests! :) Yes, I designed my page. I know a little teeny something about html coding so that helped, plus whatever I didn't know I looked up online. I went to, downloaded a free "packet" of "digi-scrapping" stuff, and went to town. I designed my header. I'd be happy to design a header for you if you want. I love doing that kind of stuff! :)

Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

Oh, and I LOOOOOVE fall! Your decorations are really cute! I can't wait to put mine up this weekend! :)

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi there. It's looking like Fall at your house. You asked about the wire pumpkins on my blog. They are not from the dollar store. The pumpkins on the candle sticks and by the pictures in the family room are the ones from the dollar store. :-)

Christina said...

ooooh! I need to come to your yard to pick up acorns. I can't find any of those kind or the green w/brown cap ones anywhere around here. The other day I found some but they were already all split open and icky.

My daughter did find some strange looking ones that were neat a few weeks ago, but those were "hers", so I didn't get to use them.

I love the pumpkin sitting on the cake plate (or candle stick). Either way, I love it.

I think your fall decorating is great.

Christina said...

BTW, is a great place to check out camera reviews for lots of different price ranges.

Not sure how much you want to spend, but this is a link for best budget cameras.;contentNav

We bought our daughter a little camera for Christmas last year based on a recommendation from them. My son has my old Cannon Power shot S3is, but we bought it over two years ago. I don't think they sell it anymore though they may have a newer model. It does take fabulous pictures.

Anonymous said...

Jackie I am honored.... Funny I quick peeked at your blog, not reading anything... Saw those acorns was EXTREMELY jealous, then went about my day... it is only this evening I am lurking again, and what do I notice my little 'ol blog mentioned right smack under those beautiful acorns! Thanks for thinking of me!

Unknown said...

Hi Jackie,
I think your fall decor looks just fine! This is my first year to really get into fall takes time to build up stuff. I am going to try to add stuff as it goes on sale.


I found your blog thru another blog, which I just forgot..I do that alot..forget things :)
How about a little garland or leaves around your pumpkin etc???
A little filler adds so much. Love the acorns :) I just have pine trees so I collect the cones and spray paint them for the holidays and add glitter to them :) Also, layer the items, put a book under the acorn jar, ribbon around the neck of the jar are little things that you may like the look of. I look at a lot of decorating magazines (I am a magazine Junkie)
so these are things that I've seen and make a difference. Just play around and enjoy:)

The Beauty Bargainista said...

Oh, I like all of your ideas! I saw that last pumpkin at the dollar store and I wanted to get some, guess I should go back now! :)

Blissfully Enamored said...

I think that all of your decorations looks great! If I were you, I would see if I could find a maybe 2 more different height pedastals for other pumpkins up on top of the pie safe! I would cluster them together on the right side (where you have the one pumpkin already)...I think it would ad some great height and color! I just love having more than one thing of something good!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

My mom had a nut chopper like that! I remembered it right when I saw your pic. I'll have to pass your blog onto my sister in law. She is a newly empty nester and going through a very deep depression because of it.

Neabear said...

You have done great so far. Two things I try to remember when decorating. 1. Have a odd number in your groupings if you can. 2. Vary your heights. Think of a triangle when arranging things. These I heard on HGTV I think when someone was talking about adding accessories to your decor. Hope that helps. I try to do that with my things too.

Anonymous said...

I think everything looks great. I have yet to do any fall decorating inside my home maybe this weekend. You had asked my about my camera and it is a Canon but I'm not sure of the model. I get lucky sometimes and pictures actually turn out good. One thing I can tell you is that it eats up the batteries. I also use a photo editing program called Picas and it is my best friend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by and entereing my 100th Blog Post Giveaway. I am enjoying discovering your blog. I love the way you have "fluffed" your nest for the fal. My favorite time of the year.
Tammy said...

the jar of acorns is so cute! I might give that a try.

Kim Hancock said...

I have that same it! I can't believe you found a nut grinder. I have ground my share that way when I was growing up. We always did a lot of holiday baking. Seeing that brings back good memories!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

My mom had (still has?) that exact same nut grinder. I love it!