
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Getting It Done: Day 14 Finished Project!

This little bench has been waiting for a change. The finish was in perfect condition and the cushion just needed a little change.

I took a reproduction grain sack towel that I picked up at Target and it was the perfect size to recover it.

Here's a closer look. I love these towels. It is headed to my space later this morning.
More completed projects to come.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting It Done: Day 13, A Box of Pumpkins

Today was my volunteer day at Rachel's House, our crisis pregnancy center. Along with being there today, I managed to finish this little box of pumpkins for my booth. All that I have taken so far have sold with the exception of 1, 'tis the season for pumpkins. I have ironed a few linens to take, and have a few items in my car that need to be tagged and taken before the weekend.  For right now there won't be anymore shopping, just getting all the items that I have ready. Tomorrow I will be working all day, so my Getting It Done, will probably consist of getting our Dave Ramsey budget down on paper.

Have a blessed Friday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Getting It Done: Day 10, 11 and 12 Everyday Life Is Not Always A Blog Post

I am realizing that I was totally unprepared for 31 days of continual blogging. I should have been preparing mid September, hence the lag in blog posts. So with that said, here is a little catching up. My days are pretty ordinary, hence the title of this post. Some days of getting it done, I am realizing are just the mundane day in and out sort of things.
Here is the run down for the past several days.
Day 10:
Monday: Both bathrooms scrubbed, bed changed, laundry,laundry, and more laundry, time to prepare dinner before  Dave Ramsey class at church.
Day 11: Tuesday:
Planning meeting@ church for our new Women's Ministry, haircut, errands, then time to prepare dinner.

Day 12: Wednesday
This is the status of what we call the green room in our house. This was once our garage that we closed in and the paint is much bolder than anything I had ever used, so we just started calling the green room. Right now it is the everything room. It is the ironing, clothes folding, paperwork sorting,computer, storage facility, etc., aka. THE DUMPING GROUND. There are several unfinished projects in here, that I need to finish for my booth, they require painting and  it has been raining here everyday this week. I do not like to work on paint projects in this type of weather, especially since I don't have an outdoor location. Today I filed paperwork, moved a piece of furniture, finished painting 3 more sets of pumpkins, and went to church.  Hopefully I will be showing you some finished items soon, and the after picture in this room. There you have it. I am not a project a day type girl, even though I would like to be. Just being real. Like I said I should have started working mid September and there might be some more exciting things to share by this time. I am still in hopes for much progress before the end of the month.
 I would love to hear what all of you have been up to.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting It Done Day 9: Apple Butter Recipe

One thing completed today. Canned 6 small jars of homemade apple butter. Here is the recipe I promised.

All Day Crock Pot Apple Butter
5 1/2 lbs of Granny Smith Apples
4 Cups sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp salt

Cook 9-11 hours in crock pot.
I cooked mine on high for about 45 minutes, then cooked on low all night. Mash apples w/ potato masher and cook a little longer to thicken.
Pour in sterilized jars. Clean jar rims. Put lids on and boil in water bath for 5 minutes.
This one is so easy since it cooks in the crock pot. Let me know if you give it a try.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day 7 & 8, What I Have Been Up To

Playing a little catch up, but here are the pictures that I promised.

Friday, I went shopping to stock my little booth, and a little shopping  Saturday morning too.

The pumpkins you see are ones that I have been busy making. All 26 of them!
This is the pumpkin season, and they have been selling very well.

One of the pretty bowls that I purchased.

A portion of my booth.
Today my large farmhouse table and chairs sold, so I had to run and temporarily set up a small card table until I can get another table and chairs ready.
This has really kept me hopping, and if I am to continue I have got to become better at managing my time.

Tonight there is a crock pot full of apple butter that will be ready for canning.
I will be sharing the recipe soon.
Have a blessed Sunday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day 6, Tired of Busy

Today will be another no picture day!
I am determined to do this for  31 days, but right now I think I am running on empty.
I have too many irons in the fire, and taking some out is what I am hoping to accomplish in these 31 days.
I promise pictures tomorrow.
I will be working on my booth, and I promise to show pictures of what I have done to prepare for this fall weekend. There is a huge Barbecue Competition which will be a big event for the area and hopefully lots of shoppers at The Little Red Wagon.
Today we hauled more furniture to set up, and I am working on pumpkins to get ready for sale this weekend. I will have some pictures of those too.
Until tomorrow.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day 5, Catching Up

Today will have to be a no picture post. It has been one of those days. I have been up since 5:30, and the one thing I can tell you that I checked of my list was,  to read my Bible and pray. Both important.

Here is how the day went:
  • Up at 5:30, Load of clothes in washer and dryer
  • Read Bible, pray, drink coffee
  • Vegetable soup in crock pot for dinner
  • Price some things to take to my booth at The Little Red Wagon (flea/antique market) I have a booth, went and started setting up my new booth
  • Flu shot
  • Straighten kitchen and too bad I didn't have a camera, or I could have been on America's Funniest Home Videos. Edgar decided to stick his head in the dishwasher to lick a dish and in the process, hung his collar on the rack. He panicked slinging the rack out of the dishwasher, while still attached to him, against the wall, breaking a plate. It happened so fast it was surreal! When he got loose I am not sure who was more a nervous wreck, me or him.
  • Back to Little Red Wagon to take a piece of furniture with my wonderful husband
  • To church
  • Home
  • Dinner
  • Bed
Soon, soon, soon I hope to show you more progress.
Have a blessed evening!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day 4, Helpful Resources

I will be out of town until tomorrow AM so in order to keep up with my 31 days I could not actually work on things here at the house. I thought you might like a few helpful resources and blogs that I have come across. These might be of help to you if you are trying to get it done like me.

Check out lil blue boo for The"Mother-of-All" Fall Cleaning Checklists.  A must have for some thorough fall cleaning.

Go here to order the book "I Used to be SO Organized"  and read more about the book.

Simple Mom has great tips for creating a more simplified home.

These should get you started and I will be back home tomorrow. I would love to hear what you are spending the next 31 days doing around the house.

Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day 3, The Big Picture

     To get us started on this 31 day adventure, I thought you should know that I am being real, and to help me be accountable, I should give you just a little, teeny, tiny idea of what needs to get done around here.

Childs table and chairs needs to be painted to take to my booth.

This window has needed a curtain  for quite some time.

This trash can is ready for some paint.
Just so you know I am keeping it real over here, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Much more to come.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

31 Days of Getting It Done: Day2 Priorities

"Everyday I have a choice to make: God's priorities or mine?"

"Without a deeper exploration of God's priorities for you, you'll just juggle your existing commitments and end up even more frustrated."
                                                      From Glynnis Whitwer's book
                                             I Used to Be SO Organized

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world,  and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:28
31 Days of Getting It Done Day 1

Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 Days of Getting it Done!

     During the month of October I will be sharing 31 Days of  Getting It Done. I hope to offer helpful hints, inspiring projects and a little bit of everything around the house.
     I have just finished reading Glynnis Whitwer's book, " I Used To Be So Organized". My reason for reading the book was simply this, I USED TO BE SO ORGANIZED! Recently I asked myself "So what happened?"
     I think I have figured out the answer and hope to offer encouragement and inspiration as I make an all out attempt to bring back the order that "once was".
     My first recommendation is: READ THE BOOK if you can. She askes us not only to examine habits, but to examine our hearts as well, and start there.
     Second, start with one small thing that you can accomplish in a day or less, so you can see progress and check it off the list!
Something easy to do today:CLEAR ALL THE PAPER CLUTTER. Sale flyers, old notes, junk mail, old magazines, etc. If you get as much junk mail as I do. It can pile up fast!
     I hpe you'll join me, and let me know how you are doing.