
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sailing Into Summer!

I am not sure where the school year has gone, but it has passed quickly and next Tuesday will be our last day of school! I will say, I am looking forward to the break and working on the long over-due TO DO LIST!

Thanks so much for wishing me a speedy recovery from the Vertigo. It is much better, and I am only having slight dizziness. Hopefully this will be the last week of it!

This past Friday, Blaine had his SR. Art Show. Great turn out, great show, and he did sell one of his paintings which he was very excited about.
Here is Blaine with his friend Jimmy. They kidded Jimmy about being dressed like the artwork, so we snapped a quick picture. Jimmy graduated from UGA in 1957, worked in banking, then retired, then went back to school to obtain his art degree. He is such a supporter and encourager to all of the students.

We headed on to Athens for a visit with my Mom and Dad for Mother's Day, shopped a little, and just enjoyed our visit. Blaine came for lunch on Sunday, and now he's home for a few days. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, and you are having a blessed week.


Runner Mom said...

Good morning, friend! Y'all get out next week? Mercy! Ours get out the 3rd of June. I'm working this Fri and next--PTL! So proud of your darlin' son! He is a very talented young man.


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

That picture with Jimmy and the artwork is hilarious! Indeed, he serves as good inspiration.

I'm looking forward to summer as well. Usually, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with my kids in the summer, but I am so looking forward to having them home and to being done with schoolwork, etc. We've got a big move in our future, so there will be much to do to keep them occupied.

Thanks for stopping by the blog today and for spending some time with me. Blessings to you and yours and keep baking. Those treats below look delicious, and I am complete disaster in the kitchen!


Christina said...

Jackie--I hope you continue to recover from the vertigo. Glad you are feeling better.

I agree that the school year has zoomed by so quickly. My kiddos are looking forward to summer, but I have already told them that they will be doing math everyday this summer---mean mommy. : )

How wonderful that your son sold one of his paintings. What a neat story about Jimmy going back to school for his art degree.

Enjoy having your son home.

Tara said...

Wow...I'm jealous! We don't get out until June 3rd also. I am so ready for the break. Big "To do" list too!
Sounds like you had a great mother's day.
Congrats to your son for selling a painting. That is awesome.

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Jackie, just found you! love your blog! and that is so cool, in regards to painting and Jimmy's shirt. also the sell, I know that was fun!! Hope you are feeling better! that "whirling" is no fun! Desserts looked wonderful, could almost smell them! Have a Blessed Day!