
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Cup Is Filled

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the ladies conference, "Womanhood: What Am I Missing?" at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC. The topics included were for women of every walk in life, whether single, married, young mothers or an empty nester like me. The best way to sum it up is that, It encouraged and challenged us for the times in which we live. We laughed and enjoyed each other's company, but most of all we were challenged to live godly lives as a woman of God, in a culture that encourages us to do just the opposite.

My accomodations were the best! One of my very best friends is Dean to Women at the seminary, and I stayed with her. It is not often that we get to see each other, but we seem to pick up right where we left off, as if we have never been apart. I hope you are blessed with at least one friend like this. Did I mention that her husband cooked breakfast for us both mornings? One great guy! We did a lot of catching up, but most of all I was encouraged not only by their love and hospitality to me, but the love they both have for the Lord, and for people. How many people do you know that, at the age of 50 will quit their job, move from a house that they designed and built, had just completed a beautiful remodel, to return to school to get their Masters Degree in Christianity, and dedicate themselves to teaching others to defend the faith, always desiring to share the gospel with those around them?

Go here  to see all that they are involved in, to reach the world for Christ.

God always knows what we need, when we need it, and this was just what I needed. I am refreshed, challenged and encouraged to dig deeper. I challenge you to encourage someone with the love of Christ this week.



Jennifer said...

Don't you just love these type of weekends?? I enjoyed a weekend like that with a girlfriend from college (one of those kinds of friends!!) last fall - such a wonderful time. Just one thing, her husband totally did not make us breakfast! What icing on the cake for your weekend!!

Runner Mom said...

What a great time!! So glad that you and your friend reconnected. I am blessed with friends that I may not see for years, and suddenly see them, and it's like no time has passed. That is such a blessing from God.

Love you friend!

mary beth said...

Those wonderful weekends are like a blood transfusion for me...restful, sweet, energizing, getting reconnected with old friends and drawing close to the Lord, and recharging old batteries! Glad you've been blessed !

Tara said...

Sounds like a great weekend. I always love to get refocused with the Lord. Refreshed, renewed, and restored are always great for us women.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lovely time.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jackie,

I tried your email and have not heard from you yet, so I thought I would try your blog. You have won the German mangle cloth pillow at "Linden Townhouse," part of the Cottage Charm Giveaway. Please contact me with your mailing address. Thanks so much!

dmvoccola said...

I am jealous--but in a good way. :) It sounds like a great way to start off the summer season.