
Thursday, July 30, 2009

DIY All Around the House

Today is DIY day at ASPTL so I thought I would show you some of our around the house projects, and say if we can do it so can you. We have learned by experience, and well worth it!

First is our tiled kitchen floor, and this was the real learning experience. I won't go into detail. The tile below is our garage room or the big room as we call it. It was our garage that we enclosed.

Hardwood floors that my husband and I put down in our living room, dining room, and hallway.

New bathroom faucet that he installed yesterday. I picked this up off the clearance table at Lowes for 30.00. Had to purchase the drain kit to match for 20.00 but was still a bargain compared to the list price of $128!

The Hollywood lights as I call them are gone, and replace with this Price Pfister light fixture also a Lowes bargain. I can't remember exactly what the list price was, but somewhere around $128 also. They had to take the display down for me, so they reduced the price a little more than previously, a bargain at $26! I know the striped wallpaper has to go, and that is on the DIY list.

I almost forgot this is one of our biggest projects. We enclosed our garage, what is now the big room. My husband and I did all of the work with the exception of the sheet rock finishing. We knew someone that was very reasonable and could finish is in a fraction of the time that it would take these two amateurs. My husband installed two windows, a door , did all of the exterior framing and finish, and hung the sheet rock. I know he is pretty amazing, at least I think so. For more DIY head over to Kimba's.

Now check out yesterdays post to give me your ideas. I want to hear any and all. Have a wonderful day! Be blessed. Jackie


Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Jackie,
Wow, you guys have done some major DIY. I'm so loving your wood floors, wished mine looked like yours *smiles* I'm afraid that particular project is very far down on my list *smiles* And I love your new fixture too!

Tiffany said...

Wow! Big projects. You guys are true do-it-yourselfers.

Delightful Dwelling said...

Wow, you have been busy. It all looks great. I wish I could find great bargins like that at our Lowe's.

Anny said...

WOW you guys are good! I love all the changes and wish you luck on more Lowes' deals :D

Victoria said...

WOW! I am impressed with you and the husband!

We are hoping to tile our kitchen floors in the near future. My FIL has learned how and I would love to help him so I can learn how.

I will try to send you some pictures this weekend of my kitchen. I think I had the exact SAME cabinet doors as you. My husband didn't want to paint them and since we had sturdy, well built cabinets, it didn't make sense to rip them all out. I had new doors made and my brother-in-law painted them for me.

I got two quotes. One was over $4000!!!! and the other $1200. :) I went with the $1200 quote. The guy did a great job, installed them with hidden hardware, made me 3 new drawers with rails, etc. We are very pleased and it really updated my kitchen.

Tara said...

Oh wow, all looks great. Hubby and I are fixing to lay hardwood floors in our bedroom. Hope it looks as good as yours. It is our first time to tackle this project.

Linda said...

You guys are pretty amazing! You give inspiration to others! My hubby and I are only "ok" on the DIY project scale...we have to hire out more often than we'd like!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's a virtual treasure trove of DIYs around your house. And every one of them is amazing. I am especially fond of the "hollywood light" makeover. I need to watch for a bargain like that as I hate our lights in the bathrooms. I can do it!!

cherry said...

Great job Jackie! You and dh did a wonderful job on all of it. cherry

Jennifer said...

We are so NON-DIY at our house - it really is disappointing. We have grand ideas but it about ends there.

I love your garage room - what is the color on the walls?? I want to find a place to use that in my house! It is so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like sombody has been busy! Great job~

Anonymous said...

I love that light...I think I should go over to Lowes and find a light thats out of stock just to get a great price...girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right...

The fabric from my chair makeover is from Anna Maria Horner...Chocolate Lollipop (cant remember if this info was on the post...I love it too)

Anonymous said...

love it when you find a good deal! also i love that black hutch you have in your great room. very pretty. come on over to worldgazing sometime!

Amanda said...

Great job on all your DIY projects!Everything looks great!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for stopping by! I just can't believe that color is guacamole green...ha! I am really not a fan of the snack...but I love that color!! Now...where could I use it??

Sorry my post for today wasn't up yet...I accidentally had it scheduled for PM?!? Stop back by if you have a chance and see a favorite photo of my other buddy, Tyler!

Have a great weekend!!

Just a little something from Judy said...

DIY projects always impress me. Yours are so nicely done and at such a great price. I especially like the faucets in the bathroom. It is inspiring to read this and see the pictures. Thank you!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

I love it all. The faucet is to die for!!! LOVE the new bathroom lights and as for the new Big Room...lucky, lucky, lucky! : )

Christina said...

What great diy projects. You found some great bargains on the light fixture and the faucet. Wow!

I also love both of your floor and your garage room. What a blessing your husband is to do those things for you and your home.

Thanks for your well wishes and prayers for my brother and his wife. Victoria and I both were allowed to be in the delivery room w/them. What a blessing and a new thing for both of us. Jacob is already such a sweetie.

Traci said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog. Love your diy projects! The faucet is GREAT! I always love a bargain too. Traci