~My first thought to share is, in spite of the way the election turned out, bad economy, high gas prices, and the list could go on,I am feeling so thankful! I am blessed to live in a country where I can go vote, I can share my views with the students I have come in contact with, and in general, God has blessed me with so much more than I ever deserve! I encourage you to take some time to be truly thankful today.
~My next thought is a convicting one. How many times have I prayed specifically for our President, our President elect, and our country since the election. The answer sadly is not nearly enough! We are to pray for those in authority, so I want to encourage you,beginning today, to choose something specific each day to begin praying for our President elect and newly elected officials. Remember God hears the cries of His people.
Now here's a quick and easy recipe, that I usually double, and it also freezes well.
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 onion,chopped
1 env. taco season
1 (8oz) can tomato sauce
6 to 8 flour tortillas
Green or black olives, chopped
1 1/2 c. shredded, sharp cheddar
1/4 to 1/2 c. water
Sour Cream
Taco Sauce
Brown hamburger and onion. Add taco season package and tomato sauce; simmer together 5 minutes. In a 2 quart casserole, layer alternate tortillas, meat sauce, olives, and cheese. Add water around outer edge. Cover tightly and bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Top with sour cream and taco sauce. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Enjoy! Jackie
You know, in our family we seem to pray for the leaders of our country when we are together in a large group. Not often enough!! Thanks for the reminder.
Your recipe sounds perfect for my mexican loving family. :)
I know what you talking about... I have been to that blog block a few times too many. Sometimes you just have to sit back and let life happen and enjoy it..live it... and love it...Then when you feel rested...share it if you wanna~ Take care my sweet friend and enjoy your time.
Love your cute turkey decoration & I can't wait to try this recipe... it sounds great! Thanks for sharing it.
Your recipe looks delicious! I hope you have a good bloggy break. :)
YUMMY...that recipe looks delicious...I'm gonna have to try it!
Hear, Hear! Great thoughts you shared today.
I printed the recipe will give it a try this weekend.
Great recipe! Thanks for sharing it. And, so true about the prayer.
We've been missing you! ;-)
Hi Jackie, Great post! I appreciate your reminder to pray for our country and leaders a LOT more! :) I have blogging blocks occasionally too. Taking a short break seems to help and refresh me also! :) ~Rhonda
Great recipe and don't worry about blogging block. Blocks occur in any situation. Breaks are always good. Take care
Nice post & recipe too.... my sister used to cook food for us, I will pass your recipe to her.
You recipe looks wonderful. We love Mexican food around here, so we will give it a try. Yum!
I need to pray for our President and President elect more often too. That is very convicting.
Blog block--I think we experience that weekly. : )
Hope you are having a great week!!
Yum-oh...I cannot wait to try the Pie.
Woo.hoo...my boys will love it.
that sounds divine! :)
By the way, I am having a giveaway on my blog! I would love for your to stop by and check it out! :)
Thank-you Jackie for coming by and lifting me up! You are right about praying for those in power..Obama needs it..our economy is in a pickle. I will have to try that recipe...sounds yummy. I wish our furry friends could be with us longer....they are so loyal. cherry
Hey there..I was going to email you this question, but couldn't find your email address.
I have been working on the tile coaster gift idea for a while now. I bought a gloss sealer instead of a matte sealer..kinda by mistake. I didn't think it would make a difference. I stamped my tiles..spray the sealer after a few hours..check it after a few more hours.. Still wet..after SEVERAL DAYS...still wet! So...This time, I decided to stamp, then wait at least 24 hours before sealer to ensure the ink was dry. Its not dry! I don't know if its my ink or what..its just a reg. ole ink pad..came from michaels. I was going to go tomorrow and get a StazOn and see if that worked better. But I don't get it and I LOVED this idea... Will you tell me specifically everything you did and used? Have you used any that you did to see if the ink stayed dry?
HOpe to hear from you VERY SOON!
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