Today is Thrifty Treasures over at
Rhoda's Southern Hospitality. It was a better weekend for yard sales here than in a long time, still not the magnitude of what Rhoda can find. I was checking out one of her pictures of a sale, wishing I had the queen quilt set that was in the picture. I could see that it was queen size too.

Stella is ready to check out the treasures!
Glass dome .59, Butter dish .39, Oil & Vinegar Bottle .49, 8 clear glass plates 1.50 (waited until they were 1/2 price @ GW, Old Sewing Machine Drawer 1.00.

Old enamelware pan. I drove round about to find this. Needless to say I am not sure where
map quest was taking me! This was supposed to be a HUGE sale, the ended up having about 2 card tables of stuff!
Little Handmade apron .50, Wilton Cookie sheet .75, Old Colander like my grandmother used to have .49. Remember I buy nostalgia.

3 Great books $1.00. Chuck
Swindoll is one of my favorite authors so I can't wait to read this one! Hope you had a great weekend, and have a blessed week!
That colander is cute! I like that :) (and the rest of your finds! But that was my favorite)
Where has Blaine been lately? I feel like I haven't seen him in ages!
I have been desperate to find one of those glass butter dishes forever. I can't believe you got it for .39!!!
oh my gosh, that pup is the cutest, especially with those glasses!
Love that colander with the stars, and that old sewing drawer! And I love finding cheap books too!
I'm sorry Stella needs glasses to read!
Very cool finds. That colander is amazing. Love the stars. It is a piece of artwork, really. I love to buy nostalgia too.
Love the picture of Stella.
Hi there! Some of the rulers were old but some were new too. If you can only find new ones dont worry. You can stain them or even paint themwith a wash. That helps age them up a bit. Have fun!
Oh I love that oil & vinegar bottle. Each time I see one at GW it either has the stopper missing or a chip in the lip so I pass them up. Fingers crossed though I'll find one as nice as yours *smiles*
Good finds!!! The colander is pretty neat, and the books look like fun reads. I think Stella is the cutest though. ;) Thanks for the visit today. :)
Wow! You found some awesome deals! I have a colander like the one you bought. Mine was actually my grandma's and I kind of inherited when she moved out of her home. I don't use mine, though. I have it displayed in my kitchen.
Oh, my puppy is a Shorkie - half Shih tzu and half yorkie. She is such a well-mannered puppy. I'm having a blast with her.
Love that colander!! YOu got some great stuff, chickadee!! I need to come down and go yardsaling with you one weekend!
Need to call you sometime soon and share about my adventure after we hung up last week!! Never a dull moment with kids!!
Wish you could have gone with us to SS!!!
AWESOME finds!! Love the glass dome and what a deal! Love that little cruet too and the butter dish!!! Love the old drawer!!!
Thanks for Stoppin by my blog!!
love that colander!
LOve the colander! Was the puppy a bargain too? LOL She sure is a cutie patootie! Thank you for such sweet comments! BTW I loved that house you looked at!!!! Did you decide against it? Traci
Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. I love that colander, what a find.
So much fun! You have some great treasures there. :o)
I think you got some great treasures. :-) I actually USE a collander just like the one you bought. It was my moms from 40+ years ago when she started keeping house. :-) And your dog is darling.
Great finds! I have that same Chuck Swindoll book! I've had it since college- great book!
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