My son came home Friday afternoon, and much to my SURPRISE, he spilled the beans that his sister was on the way home! We went out for Mexican and had a great dinner together. Saturday came, and Boy and I were taking our sewing class to make our Amy Butler bag, so my Girl and her Dad headed out to Lowes. We like to do things different at our house. They were gathering a few items to do some finish work at her house, and we were set to sew....
..... and sew we did for about 7 hours! We had a blast! It was my son, me, and 7 other ladies. How many Moms do you know that can say they have taken a sewing class with their son? I am one blessed Mom let me tell you! Our Girl had dinner ready when we returned. YUM! Sunday our whole family was at church. What a blessing!
Now for a look at the finished project! I was so excited about how it turned out. I am even looking forward to making another one. I forgot to take a picture of my Boy's bag, but his was great. This was a difficult project for a beginner, but he hung in there and it turned out great! Hope your weekend was as fun as mine! Jackie
I love your new look... paisley has always been a favorite for me. Great job on the bag!
The bag turned out great. What wonderful family time you had together. I am jealous......
Sounds like heaven to me, Jackie. Revel in your family and all the blessings they bring.
That's a great bag. I love your fabric choices.
Your weekend sounds like Heaven to me too. I'm telling ya, my younger son would have been right there in that sewing class too. :)
Love your bag and the fabric your used...very pretty! Can't wait to see your son's "creation"! Glad you enjoyed some family time together!
Your bag turned out GREAT... Sounds like a WONDERFUL weekend!
Sounds like you had a great weekend!
What a fun weekend and cute bag!!
Your bag turned out terrific! Super special...and your weekend sounds the same! How nice to take a class (a sewing class) with your boy - I might ask mine if we could try that before he leaves this month :)
So nice that everyone was back home together...just for fun!!
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful weekend. So glad you could have them both home at the same time. And it sounds like good quality time too.
Your bag is lovely.
Hi there!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is just wonderful! So glad you had such a nice weekend. :)
What a fun weekend you the bag. You should sell them on Etsy. I would definitely buy one.
I am back, blog is up and running. I really missed you.
Love your blog AND we have so much in common. Hope you don't mind me following along with you in your empty nest full of life! LOVE THE PURSE too!
LOVE that bag!! The fabrics are so pretty! And how special to get to spend time with your family this weekend :) Glad you were able to make some memories!!
ps--not trying to be crass, but you wouldn't even believe the word verification I have--LOL--"fartin". I kid you not!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Sounds like you are one blessed mama! I still have one at home (my dd) and my two son's have flown the coop already so I'll be in the same boat, ahem, nest as you before I know it. Time flies and so do our babies :(
PS~beautiful bag; I love it!
Jackie, you were on my mind this morning and just wanted to say "hi". How wonderful that your kids were home! I spent last Sat at my parents house along with Christina, my lil sis home from college and one of my brothers. I LOVED it! It was just like when we were growing up. Nothing like family!
I adore your bag! It is fabulous. You could make and sell them. wink wink. ;)
Hi Jackie~ So glad you had such a special time with your children. I know you must miss them when they're away.
Have a great week... Love to you... Jennifer
What a perfect weekend you had! I will no that feeling way too soon. My oldest will be graduating this year and Im so not looking forward to the day he jumps nest,yikes! Im so glad that you had a great time lovin up on them. They know a good Momma when the see her..thats why they came running home. Isnt it great when they miss you!!! Take care~
Me again!
I thought I'd stop by to thank you for entering my giveaway! Irma's Rose Cottage won this time but~~ as a thank you to all you lovely ladies that took the time to stop by and enter, I'm offering everyone that entered 10% off anything in my etsy shop for the month of February so if you see something you like, be sure to email me so I can give you the code word to use!
My apron giveaway will be coming soon!
Glad to hear you've had such a good time! Love the new blog look!
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