I just happen to be the proud Mom and proud Mom-In-Law.
It is hard to believe, that a year has past, and this time last year, we were in full swing with wedding preparations. I thought it might be fun to share some of the wedding memories and a few pictures with all of you. See this was a wedding done on a budget, and we did most of the preparation of decorations and food ourselves, with the help of family and friends. I think I have a list of what to do, and what not to do, what worked, and what probably would have worked better. You see hind sight is always 20-20. Have a blessed week. Jackie Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Message for LeAnn
This message is to say that your blog SD is being missed greatly by me. I hoped that you might be still reading. One day you were there, the next you were gone. I hope that hurtful comments by others are not keeping you away. I feel it is best to ignore those, and move on. Hurtful comments are sometimes made to make themselves feel better. Just wanted you to know you are missed! Jackie
Monday, January 19, 2009
Return and Sophisticated Tutorial
After being away for several days, I am back . Things here have been in sort of an organizing mode. Since I last posted, this is what I have been up to:
* Moving a trailer of appliances and wedding gifts to my daughter.
* Moving a trailer of appliances and wedding gifts to my daughter.
* Re-organizing the way we keep records of bills, receipts, etc.
Many of the tips I am using came from some of you.
* Coupon clipping and planning menus to help with more thrify grocery shopping.
If there is such a thing.
* Trying to accomplish a major organization of our entire house.
* In addition to all of this substitute teaching regularly.
* Almost forgot I started Beth Moore's new Bible study on Esther.
It's Tough Being a Woman. This one is great already!
Now for the sophisticated tutorial:
A little of this.
To make this. Oops! I forgot you will need a little duct tape too.
I forgot to take a picture, but you will also need red tinsel of some kind. Mine came from Big Lots. It was 25 feet @75% off, which was .75. Wrap it around your heart shape, with a little hot glue along the way.
Then you will end up with this. They were selling similar ones at Big Lots for $11.00. Now you could use a styrofoam heart shape, but I was determined to do this cheap. My husband keeps all sorts of odds and ends, so when I told him what I was going to do, he suggested the hose and wire. He actually put that part together for me, and made a wonderful little hanger, so it would hang correctly on the front door. I spent a total of 75 cents for this one. What have you been up to lately? Jackie
Monday, January 12, 2009
More Random Things.....
Kate at My Messy Nest has tagged me to share 7 random things about myself. I am warning you in advance these are very random, so here goes.
1. I have loaded my daughter up at least 10 times to MovE her somewhere. Keep in mind she is only 26.
2. My favorite cake of all time is Coconut. I can probably thank my Great-Grandmother for this. When she made one, she bought a fresh coconut, grated in by hand and made it completely from scratch. DELICIOUS I tell you!
3. I am a CoNtrOl FrEak , who has improved a lot, but I still like to be the driver. When my husband and I travel, I am usually driving, with a few exceptions, like this weekend when we were pulling a loaded trailer of my daughters things (one of those 10 loads I was telling you about.
4. I have only owned 2 new cars in my life. One was a LemOn!! and one was great.
5. I have watched "You've Got Mail" too many times to count. I call it my ironing movie.
6. FaLL is my favorite season. I love it!! I love the changing leaves, cooler weather and pumpkins.
7. I confess to forgetting where I park at Wal-Mart too many times, then trying to look somewhat DigNiFied and InCONspIcuOUs as I search for it. I actually had a kind employee once, who must have felt sorry for me, look for it one time. If your weren't already, you are probably beginning to wonder about me. I DO sometimes.
So there you have it my 7 VerY RanDoM things about me. I am supposed to tag seven more people or less . So here are the people that I would like to hear from:
1. Christina and Victoria at As Time Goes By (sisters)
2. Runner Mom
3. Simply Dandy
4. The Handmade Housewife
5. For the Love of My Home & Life
6. The Hancock Family
Here are the guidelines for this tag:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you (me).
2. "TAG" 7 people or less if you like, and link to them on your blog.
3. Be sure to comment on the Blogs of others who were tagged.
4. Let them know they have been tagged.
Have a wonderful week, and remember I am coming up on my 100th post.
1. I have loaded my daughter up at least 10 times to MovE her somewhere. Keep in mind she is only 26.
2. My favorite cake of all time is Coconut. I can probably thank my Great-Grandmother for this. When she made one, she bought a fresh coconut, grated in by hand and made it completely from scratch. DELICIOUS I tell you!
3. I am a CoNtrOl FrEak , who has improved a lot, but I still like to be the driver. When my husband and I travel, I am usually driving, with a few exceptions, like this weekend when we were pulling a loaded trailer of my daughters things (one of those 10 loads I was telling you about.
4. I have only owned 2 new cars in my life. One was a LemOn!! and one was great.
5. I have watched "You've Got Mail" too many times to count. I call it my ironing movie.
6. FaLL is my favorite season. I love it!! I love the changing leaves, cooler weather and pumpkins.
7. I confess to forgetting where I park at Wal-Mart too many times, then trying to look somewhat DigNiFied and InCONspIcuOUs as I search for it. I actually had a kind employee once, who must have felt sorry for me, look for it one time. If your weren't already, you are probably beginning to wonder about me. I DO sometimes.
So there you have it my 7 VerY RanDoM things about me. I am supposed to tag seven more people or less . So here are the people that I would like to hear from:
1. Christina and Victoria at As Time Goes By (sisters)
2. Runner Mom
3. Simply Dandy
4. The Handmade Housewife
5. For the Love of My Home & Life
6. The Hancock Family
Here are the guidelines for this tag:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you (me).
2. "TAG" 7 people or less if you like, and link to them on your blog.
3. Be sure to comment on the Blogs of others who were tagged.
4. Let them know they have been tagged.
Have a wonderful week, and remember I am coming up on my 100th post.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Swap and Giveaway
I am limited on time this morning since I am headed off to substitute this afternoon. My subbing is back in full swing and will be keeping me busy. I called yesterday, and one of the schools signed me up for all of the days they had in advance through March. Wonderful, because I like knowing ahead of time as much as possible.

Emily is having a Valentine Mini Swap and tomorrow is the last day to sign up, so check her out.
Dawn is having a giveaway celebrating her one year anniversary. So don't miss this one either. Both of these ladies are so creative you will definitely want to check out their blogs, and leave a comment. They'd love to hear from you. Gotta run. Jackie
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Word for Wednesday
"For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O Sons of Jacob, are not consumed."
Malachi 3:6
Ponder this, and have a blessed day. Jackie
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009
Looking Ahead
many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord."
Psalm 40:3
What are you looking forward to in 2009? What resolutions if any have you made? What expectations do you have? Where is your hope and expectation? Some years ago God had an important lesson to teach me about expectations. If my expectations are in others I will be disappointed at some point in time. See I had a particular expectation , that if I tried hard enough, and strived to do all of the right things, that the circumstance or situation would turn out like I hoped. This has been true for many relationships that I have had over the years with family and friends. This simply is not true, and will set you up for much disappointment!
I have finally started getting it after many, many times of failure in this area. The only one who will never disappoint is the Lord!
"I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope." Psalm 130:5
My prayer is that in 2009 our hope and expectation will be in HIM alone, the One"who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" Ephesians 3:20 Have a blessed week. Jackie
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