The trash can is finally painted and is no longer an eye-sore.
The french doors are trimmed and painted, and green tape removed!
In the mean time, part of the reason for abandoning this blog is, that we have started a new Women's Ministry at our church. I am a part of the leadership team and is requiring more of my time. Our
Kick- Off event was October 22.
We called it Mugs and Muffins. Each lady was asked to bring a mug that was exchanged randomly with another lady. You were then asked to pray for that person and connect with them. We are praying that this will be the beginning of our women better connecting and getting to know one another, as well as minister to each other. Here are a few pictures from that event.
I will be making every effort to post on a more regular basis. I will let you in on what projects that I am completing around here, as well as more on events with our Women's Ministry.
Have a Blessed Weekend!