I am trying to be a little more consistent with my posts, and also share more of what God is showing me, or often times reminding me of. For instance, what I shared on Monday was not at all what I sat down at the computer to write. Today I am sharing an attribute of God that I am so thankful for. In a world that is constantly changing, it is comforting to know that I serve a God who never changes. He is constant, regardless of the circumstances. In a changing world, what an awesome anchor to have!
"For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O Sons of Jacob, are not consumed."
Malachi 3:6
Ponder this, and have a blessed day. Jackie
What an awesome verse! Blessings to you today, as well!
It's so incredible to know that in a world that changes so often, we know the one true thing that NEVER changes! Blessings! Rachel
Amen to God's steadfastness.
It's a wonderful reminder to hear that no matter how loopy I am, God is unchanging.
I'm so thankful for that. The way I've been feeling lately, I desperately need that anchor. Good post.
I am loving this! How often we forget that He is a constant in this foreverchanging world in which we live.
I still want one of those bags that you are going to make!!! :)
Love ya,
I love that I have a heavenly Father who is all knowing, never changes and loves me unconditionally!
What a great way to remember His Word and attributes! Esp in the land of ever changing circumstances. blessings to you~
9 times out of 10 I don't end up blogging about what I sat down to blog about. I also intended to get OFF the computer today and get things done around here but God had other plans like answering friends emails asking for advice and giving comment love to my blog friends like you!
Faithful...has always been one of my favorite words and "unchanging" defines our Faithful Heavenly Father! What a beautiful thought to ponder today...
I just read yesterday's post as well. I LOVE the tote...maybe your son will want to sell it on ebay (hint!) I hope you both have a great time together taking the class - sounds like fun!
Hi Jackie!
Thanks for sharing. Having just finished reading The Shack, I too am trying to be more in tune with God. It's such a peaceful place to be . . . in his arms and truly listening.
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